Natural Appetite Suppressant Foods

Depending on the time of the day and how hungry one is, the right quantity of these foods will have to be consumed. For example, it is not recommended, that one has fruits after dusk. Here is a list foods which will help in alleviating hunger.

Apples are the best appetite suppressants. The fiber content in the apples gives a feeling of fullness. The other benefit of eating an apple is that it takes longer to digest. It is advised to chew the apples well, as the brain takes 20 minutes to understand that the stomach is full. Chewing well will ensure that one gets the feeling of fullness, while one is still eating the apple.

Citrus Fruits
Fruits like oranges, tangerines, sweet limes, etc. can be had, whenever one is hungry. The best about these fruits is that they are a good source of fiber, due to which a person does not feel hungry soon enough. Since they are watery in nature, they do not cause weight gain, and are therefore recommended for people on a weight loss diet. However, one should not make juice out of these fruits, as it will not only lose all the nutrients, but it also will be stripped off, of its rich fiber content, which actually causes appetite suppression.

Green Tea
Green tea not only burns fat but also is a very good appetite suppressant food. It stimulates the release of hormones, which are responsible for curbing food cravings. One can have a couple of cups of green tea through the day, whenever one feels hunger pangs.

Almonds contain pinolenic acid. Using this acid, the body is able to manufacture hormones, that suppress hunger. Therefore, almonds are recommended to be had either as a late afternoon snack or between breakfast and lunch. People on a weight loss diet are recommended that they have about 5 to 6 almonds. However, to derive the best benefits from them, it is important that one chews them well.

Very often dietitians suggest an oatmeal breakfast, as it is one of the best appetite suppressing foods. The main constituents of oatmeal are carbohydrates, which take longer to burn, to be used for energy. Hence the person does not feel hungry often. At the same time oatmeal is also rich in fiber which is responsible for giving you a satiated feeling for a longer period.

Flaxseed should be consumed raw to derive the best benefits of fiber content in it. If you do not like flaxseed taste, it can be added to your bowl of oatmeal or salad dressings as well. This will ensure that you have a double serving of the appetite suppressing foods.

It is advisable to consume a big bowl of salad before every meal. The fiber content in salad slows the process of glucose entering into the bloodstream, due to which the person will not feel hungry soon. One can bring variety to the high fiber diet by alternating between vegetables and greens. Try to include as many colors as you can in your salad bowl and try to alternate between different dressings, so that you are not bored of eating salads.

Soups are the best way to suppress hunger. However, it does not mean that you have creamy soups. Consume broths or clear vegetable soups to lose weight and be satiated for longer. Avoid using carbohydrate rich vegetables to make the soup, so that you do not up the carbohydrate quotient in your diet.

If you love gorging on fish, then you will be happy to know, that salmon is an appetite suppressant, however, you will have to eat raw salmon as an appetizer. Raw salmon contains healthy fats and proteins, due to which after eating salmon the person does not feel hungry and ends up consuming far less number of calories.

The bittersweet taste of the pure dark chocolate will give you a very satisfied feeling. Although you should not forget that all chocolates are not appetite suppressants. Therefore, milk chocolates, etc., are not to be consumed for suppressing appetite.

Coffee is one of the appetite suppressant foods. You can have a cup or two cups of coffee with non-fat cream. Try to avoid sugar in the coffee. However, make sure you also consume sufficient quantity of water along with coffee, so that you do not dehydrate yourself, as coffee dehydrates the system.

Whey Protein Powder
Whey protein helps in building muscle mass. The muscle mass burns the fats easily, which helps in weight loss. At the same time it also gives you a feeling of fullness. One can use whey protein to either make milkshakes or smoothies and add different fruits for added benefit.

Vegetable Juice
Juices made from wheat germ, vegetables, etc., have become very popular in recent times. These juices help in detoxifying the body as much as they suppress appetite. Remember these drinks should be low in calories and should not contain sugar. The juices keep hunger at bay. However, I would recommend that you have the juice along with fiber in it.

Watermelon is known to be a rich source of fiber. The water content in watermelon ensures one feels satiated soon after eating a few pieces of watermelon. If you are going out for a meal, then you can have a small bowl of watermelon before venturing out, so that you do not end up over-stuffing yourself.

Pine Nuts
Pine nuts are said to have maximum amount of proteins. It is a regular practice in Serbia to consume a handful of pine nuts at meal time. The pine nuts are said to stimulate two hunger suppressing hormones. Therefore, whenever you feel hungry, you know you should be reaching for pine nuts, as opposed to chips and fizzy drinks.

Berries include cherries, strawberries, mulberries, blueberries, salmonberries, raspberries, lychee, etc. They are rich in fiber and are known for their antioxidant properties. Eating a handful of berries will satiate your hunger and you will not feel hungry for a longer period.

Natural Pickles
If a survey had to be carried among food items to find, which food item has the highest satiety rate, then pickles will certainly top this list. According to studies carried out, natural pickles have a higher rate of pound-for-pound satiety rate. Therefore, if 1 pound of pickles and same quantity of French fries is consumed, a person will be far more satisfied with pickles as opposed to French fries. The only trick that one needs to remember is that one should stick to natural pickles, so that they are not loaded with preservatives and sugars.

Water helps in keeping the body hydrated and keeps hunger at bay. If you have a glass of water before your meals it will help in suppressing your hunger. Since the brain takes about twenty minutes to register, that the stomach is full, it is recommended that water be had at least 20 minutes before meals.

If you are on a weight loss diet, then it is best to consult your dietitian for the right quantity of these foods, which will ensure you are able to derive the best benefits from them. The best part of all the appetite suppressant foods is that they do not have side-effects. These foods will help you lose weight over a period of time, minus the cravings and starving!