Natural Appetite Suppressant Foods

Depending on the time of the day and how hungry one is, the right quantity of these foods will have to be consumed. For example, it is not recommended, that one has fruits after dusk. Here is a list foods which will help in alleviating hunger.

Apples are the best appetite suppressants. The fiber content in the apples gives a feeling of fullness. The other benefit of eating an apple is that it takes longer to digest. It is advised to chew the apples well, as the brain takes 20 minutes to understand that the stomach is full. Chewing well will ensure that one gets the feeling of fullness, while one is still eating the apple.

Citrus Fruits
Fruits like oranges, tangerines, sweet limes, etc. can be had, whenever one is hungry. The best about these fruits is that they are a good source of fiber, due to which a person does not feel hungry soon enough. Since they are watery in nature, they do not cause weight gain, and are therefore recommended for people on a weight loss diet. However, one should not make juice out of these fruits, as it will not only lose all the nutrients, but it also will be stripped off, of its rich fiber content, which actually causes appetite suppression.

Green Tea
Green tea not only burns fat but also is a very good appetite suppressant food. It stimulates the release of hormones, which are responsible for curbing food cravings. One can have a couple of cups of green tea through the day, whenever one feels hunger pangs.

Almonds contain pinolenic acid. Using this acid, the body is able to manufacture hormones, that suppress hunger. Therefore, almonds are recommended to be had either as a late afternoon snack or between breakfast and lunch. People on a weight loss diet are recommended that they have about 5 to 6 almonds. However, to derive the best benefits from them, it is important that one chews them well.

Very often dietitians suggest an oatmeal breakfast, as it is one of the best appetite suppressing foods. The main constituents of oatmeal are carbohydrates, which take longer to burn, to be used for energy. Hence the person does not feel hungry often. At the same time oatmeal is also rich in fiber which is responsible for giving you a satiated feeling for a longer period.

Flaxseed should be consumed raw to derive the best benefits of fiber content in it. If you do not like flaxseed taste, it can be added to your bowl of oatmeal or salad dressings as well. This will ensure that you have a double serving of the appetite suppressing foods.

It is advisable to consume a big bowl of salad before every meal. The fiber content in salad slows the process of glucose entering into the bloodstream, due to which the person will not feel hungry soon. One can bring variety to the high fiber diet by alternating between vegetables and greens. Try to include as many colors as you can in your salad bowl and try to alternate between different dressings, so that you are not bored of eating salads.

Soups are the best way to suppress hunger. However, it does not mean that you have creamy soups. Consume broths or clear vegetable soups to lose weight and be satiated for longer. Avoid using carbohydrate rich vegetables to make the soup, so that you do not up the carbohydrate quotient in your diet.

If you love gorging on fish, then you will be happy to know, that salmon is an appetite suppressant, however, you will have to eat raw salmon as an appetizer. Raw salmon contains healthy fats and proteins, due to which after eating salmon the person does not feel hungry and ends up consuming far less number of calories.

The bittersweet taste of the pure dark chocolate will give you a very satisfied feeling. Although you should not forget that all chocolates are not appetite suppressants. Therefore, milk chocolates, etc., are not to be consumed for suppressing appetite.

Coffee is one of the appetite suppressant foods. You can have a cup or two cups of coffee with non-fat cream. Try to avoid sugar in the coffee. However, make sure you also consume sufficient quantity of water along with coffee, so that you do not dehydrate yourself, as coffee dehydrates the system.

Whey Protein Powder
Whey protein helps in building muscle mass. The muscle mass burns the fats easily, which helps in weight loss. At the same time it also gives you a feeling of fullness. One can use whey protein to either make milkshakes or smoothies and add different fruits for added benefit.

Vegetable Juice
Juices made from wheat germ, vegetables, etc., have become very popular in recent times. These juices help in detoxifying the body as much as they suppress appetite. Remember these drinks should be low in calories and should not contain sugar. The juices keep hunger at bay. However, I would recommend that you have the juice along with fiber in it.

Watermelon is known to be a rich source of fiber. The water content in watermelon ensures one feels satiated soon after eating a few pieces of watermelon. If you are going out for a meal, then you can have a small bowl of watermelon before venturing out, so that you do not end up over-stuffing yourself.

Pine Nuts
Pine nuts are said to have maximum amount of proteins. It is a regular practice in Serbia to consume a handful of pine nuts at meal time. The pine nuts are said to stimulate two hunger suppressing hormones. Therefore, whenever you feel hungry, you know you should be reaching for pine nuts, as opposed to chips and fizzy drinks.

Berries include cherries, strawberries, mulberries, blueberries, salmonberries, raspberries, lychee, etc. They are rich in fiber and are known for their antioxidant properties. Eating a handful of berries will satiate your hunger and you will not feel hungry for a longer period.

Natural Pickles
If a survey had to be carried among food items to find, which food item has the highest satiety rate, then pickles will certainly top this list. According to studies carried out, natural pickles have a higher rate of pound-for-pound satiety rate. Therefore, if 1 pound of pickles and same quantity of French fries is consumed, a person will be far more satisfied with pickles as opposed to French fries. The only trick that one needs to remember is that one should stick to natural pickles, so that they are not loaded with preservatives and sugars.

Water helps in keeping the body hydrated and keeps hunger at bay. If you have a glass of water before your meals it will help in suppressing your hunger. Since the brain takes about twenty minutes to register, that the stomach is full, it is recommended that water be had at least 20 minutes before meals.

If you are on a weight loss diet, then it is best to consult your dietitian for the right quantity of these foods, which will ensure you are able to derive the best benefits from them. The best part of all the appetite suppressant foods is that they do not have side-effects. These foods will help you lose weight over a period of time, minus the cravings and starving!

Daily Sex!!!

Headache Relief!

Positively Begin Your New Day

By Krista Butler

1. Drink A Glass Of Water As Soon As You Wake Up
This re-hydrates your body, revs up your digestive system, and gets things flowing. You may notice positive changes like clearer skin and better digestion. Bonus points if you add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

2. Think Of One Thing For Which You Have Gratitude
This sets the stage for positivism throughout the day. If you come up with three or five things, even better.

3. Step Outside And Take A Deep Breath
Fill your lungs with fresh air. Even if it’s cold outside. This only takes 10 seconds! It reminds you that you are alive and breathing.

4. Move Your Body
You don’t necessarily have to do an intense workout before breakfast, but moving your body even a little is a great way to get the blood flowing and shake the body into wake-up mode. Simply doing a few stretches is a great option. Or turn on your favorite song and dance like no one is watching.

5. Say Your Affirmations
Look into the mirror and say something positive to yourself. Some ideas:

  • I radiate beauty, confidence and grace.
  • Every cell in my body is healthy and vibrant.
  • I feel great!


Set a timer on your watch or phone for 20 minutes. Do 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats, in that order. That’s 1 round. Do as many rounds as you can before the time runs out.

Use an overhand grip to hang from a pullup bar with your arms straight. Pull your chest to the bar. Pause, and then return to the starting position.

Assume a pushup position. With your elbows tucked, lower your chest until it’s just a few inches off the floor. Pause, and push yourself back up.

Stand with your feet set slightly beyond shoulder width. Now push your hips back and lower your body as far as possible. Stand back up.


Solution Oriented Mind

Problem Oriented vs Solution Oriented - By Steve Mueller

Every person approaches a problem in a different way. Some focus on the problem or the reason why a problem emerged (problem focused thinking). Others prefer to think about possible solutions that help them to solve a problem (solution focused thinking).

Approaching a difficult situation problem oriented might be helpful if we attempt to avoid similar problems or mistakes in the future, but when it comes to solving the problem we simply waste large amounts of our precious time! Problem focused thinking does not help us at all to solve difficult situations, which is especially necessary in times where one must find quick solutions to an upcoming problem. Furthermore the problem focused approach can have negative effects on ones motivation.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” - Suzy Kassem

We start to think solution oriented once we are aware that we cannot change certain facts/problems and will only spend our time in an inefficient way when we seek for the possible reasons for these situations. By clarifying the reasons why a problem need to be solved and the tasked required is important then we can focus on solutions in attaining goals we desire.

5 Traits of a Solution Oriented Person - By Wendy Nicole

  1. Have the ability to look at the situation for what it is. Don’t get emotionally involved. Evaluate the facts and only focus on the possibility of what could be the future.
  2. Systematic and strategic. After assessing the situation, they look for ways to bring their idea to life. What happened or what was is no longer a factor. Their intention is to move from point A to point B. They are intentional and they are relentless in their pursuit to change their reality.
  3. Doesn't feed the fear and doesn't bow down to excuses….the shoulda, couldas,and if’s have no place in their efforts to move forward. They have the ability to ask themselves the hard questions. They don’t run from the ugly truth. They are willing to face it so that they don’t make the same mistake again. They don’t get stuck in the “I don’t know zone” because they are willing to explore their options. They are able to stay calm in the midst of chaos. They have an idea of what the end result looks like. They make decisions that are in alignment with their purpose. They don’t make blind decisions. Consideration, research, and soul searching is required to help them become effective decision makers.
  4. Hands down are a “Get it Done Person” regardless of adversity, limited or no resources. When faced with a No or unsatisfactory situation they are determined to make things pan out in their favor because their WHY has been defined and they have a clear picture of their desired future self.
  5. Solution Oriented people excel in the midst of madness. They are able to see clear through the bullshit and zero in on what matters the most, their goals, their happiness, and personal welfare.


Big Five Personality Traits

In psychology, the Big Five personality traits are five broad domains or dimensions of personality that are used to describe human personality, the five-factor model (FFM). The five factors are openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neurotic ism. Acronyms commonly used to refer to the five traits collectively are OCEAN or CANOE. Beneath each global factor, a cluster of correlated and more specific primary factors are found; for example, extroversion includes such related qualities as gregariousness, assertiveness, excitement seeking, warmth, activity, and positive emotions.

The Big Five model is able to account for different traits in personality without overlapping. Empirical research has shown that the Big Five personality traits show consistency in interviews, self-descriptions and observations. Moreover, this five-factor structure seems to be found across a wide range of participants of different ages and of different cultures.

A summary of the factors of the Big Five and their constituent traits, such that they form the acronym OCEAN:

Openness to experience: (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious). Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience. Openness reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety a person has. It is also described as the extent to which a person is imaginative or independent, and depicts a personal preference for a variety of activities over a strict routine. Some disagreement remains about how to interpret the openness factor, which is sometimes called "intellect" rather than openness to experience.

Conscientiousness: (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless). A tendency to be organized and dependable, show self-discipline, act dutifully, aim for achievement, and prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior.

Extroversion: (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved). Energy, positive emotions, surgency, assertiveness, sociability and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others, and talkativeness.

Agreeableness: (friendly/compassionate vs. analytical/detached). A tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others. It is also a measure of one's trusting and helpful nature, and whether a person is generally well tempered or not.

Neurotic ism: (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident). The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, and vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to the degree of emotional stability and impulse control and is sometimes referred to by its low pole, "emotional stability".

Solar Power

Solar Power Design

Step 1 – How much power do you use?
Step 2 - The Battery Bank
Step 3 - What Solar Panels do you need?
Step 4 - The Solar Charge Controller
Step 5 - Mounting the Solar Panels
Step 6 - Connecting the Solar Power System
Step 7 - The Battery Bank is flat.


To work out your power requirements, you need to look at all the devices to be connected to your solar power system. Each device will have a wattage rating which can be obtained usually by googling the model and the words watt power.

If you cannot find the watt rating of the device using google, you can use a multimeter or a very good device to have on hand is a product called a kill-a-watt. A Kill-a-watt is a device with a similar shape to a surge protector with a small screen. It tells you how many watts per hour the device that you plug into it will be using.

Important Note:
You should always look for 12 volt equipment. If your device can not handle a 12 volt supply you will need to get a 12volt DC to X volt DC Converter which means loosing some power during the conversion. The above mentioned reference devices can handle a direct connection to a 12 volt battery which makes them suitable for solar use. 
Another important note is that you should only use DC devices. If the device's transformer says it has an AC output, then it will have extra supply requirements that cost more and has a power loss through the DC to AC conversion. 

Once you have worked out the watt ratings of all your devices, add them together.
If we had 5 units of 12V DC CFL - 7W Solar Lamps, we would be using a total of 35 watts per hour. 
To work out how many watts per day, multiply the hourly usage by 24.
For our 5 Solar Lamps the wattage per day is 840 watts.


A Battery bank is used to store captured solar power for using at night or on rainy / overcast days. Your battery bank needs to be made of one or more deep cycle battery that will run your equipment for a number of days without sunlight. A good goal in most areas would be to run for 4 or 5 days without sunlight.

What is a deep cycle battery?
A Deep Cycle Battery is a special type of large capacity battery which can be discharged regularly to about 50% of its capacity. They are a similar size to a car battery but the difference is the chemicals inside.
A car battery is designed to be discharged only a small amount, then recharged instantly. Discharging a car battery will leave it with a very bad memory effect and this effect worsens as it goes without being recharged. 20 large discharges may damage a car battery and stop it from ever being fully charged again, where as a deep cycle battery can handle several hundred deep discharges, and go longer without being recharged.

Even with the discharge capability of a deep cycle battery, it should never drop below 50% of its capacity, but can go several days or sometimes weeks without being recharged and still be as good as new.

A Deep cycle battery will have a rating on the side. It will specify a voltage - usually 6 or 12, and an Amp-Hour / Ah rating. More expensive batteries will have a higher Amp-hour rating and therefore have a larger capacity. It is recommended that you purchase 12 volt batteries because your solar panels will most likely be 12 volt. If you need to purchase 6 volt batteries, they can be wired in a special way to increase the voltage to 12. You can purchase more batteries to add capacity as we will see below.

Wiring Methods
There are 2 ways to wire batteries together. You can use both at the same time if you like.
Parallel: This means that the Amp-Hour capacity of the batteries will be added together
Series: This means that the voltage of the batteries will be added together.

So what size battery bank do you need?

You will need a battery bank that will power your devices for a set amount of days without sunlight, and still not be discharged more than 50%. A good goal in most areas would be to run for 4 or 5 days without sunlight. 

To work this out, we take the daily power usage, multiply it by the number of days without sunlight, and then multiply again by 2 so we factor in the 50% discharge limit. 

In our 5 Solar Lamp sample;
5 Solar Laps is 840 watts per day.
Days Usage without sunlight is 4 days.
Thus 840 watts/day x 4 days x 2 equals 6,720 watts.
This means our battery bank capacity needs to be 6,720 watts.
To convert the watts back to amp-hours, we would divide by the battery voltage rating of 12 volts.
6,720 watts / 12 volts = 560 amp-hours
To achieve this, we could have:
5 units of  12 volt 120ah batteries wired in parallel.
For a 12vdc 600 amp-hour battery bank.

We could use 5 units of  TROJAN T1275-AGM 12V DC Deep Cycle Battery.

Types of Batteries

Flooded / Wet Cells: The older and more common type of deep cycle battery. Needs maintenance such as water top ups. Water is lost in gases when charging.

Gel or AGM: Are sealed and maintenance free. There is no gas lost because the battery case is sealed and a special solar controller needs to be used so that the built up pressure from the gasses does not damage the battery. Gel or AGM are able to deliver more power, faster and so are ideal for starting engines or using on boats.


 This depends upon the average daily sunlight hours in your area during rainy season.

Insolaton is the correct measurement to use. Insolation is a measurement of the sun's energy that reaches a specific area of the earth's surface. It is more accurate than sunlight hours as it takes into account the angle of the sun, and various other environmental factors.

Sunlight hours can easily be used where you are using less than 20 watts of load***

In the example scenario, we have 4 hours each day on average during the rainy months.

Sunlight hours in Manila, Luzon range between 4:17 each day in September and 8:36 for every day in April

The solar panel will need to be able to capture enough solar power to run your equipment for the day, as well as recharge your battery bank following a rainy or overcast period. It also needs to be able to do this during wet season.

Hours of sunlight is 4 hrs.
24 hrs of power for 5 Solar lamps is 840 watts
840 watts / 4 hours = 210 watts
We need 210 watts of solar panels.

A different calculation when we factor in the recharging after a rainy or overcast period. If it rained for 4 days, and on the 5th day it was sunny, that is 5 days worth of power that needs to be captured. In the example that is 4,200 watts worth of power. We also need to capture this power as fast as possible before it rains again. So to capture 4,200 watts of power during 4 hours of sunlight, that means we need a 1.050 watt panel.

(5 days x 840 watts per day) / 4 hours  = 1,050 watt Solar Panel for 1 day of charging

If we wanted to, we could set a goal of recharging the batteries over 2 days. That means we have 8 hours to capture 6 days worth of power - which a 630 watt panel would be able to do.

(6 days x 840 watts per day) / 8 hours  = 630 watt Solar Panel for 2 days of charging

If you decide to set a longer recharge period, you can save some money on solar panels, but will need to spend more on adding more capacity to your battery bank in case you only get one sunny day and it returns to rain.

It is also probable that if you have an average of 4 hours of sunlight per day in rainy season, that also means half the days will be rainy or overcast, and the other half would be sunny. This means that on the sunny day, there could be up to 8 hours to capture the required power instead of the 4 assumed above. It is best to oversize your panels just in case, so you should not rely too much on extra average sunlight hours from rainy days.

Few solar panels over 140 watts are available in 12 volt versions. So to achieve a 1,050 watt Solar Panel, we have to connect in parallel multiple panels.

We can use the Kyocera KD140SX-UFBS which is a 140 watt 12V DC Solar Panel.

For  1,050 watt Solar Panel; 8 units of 140 watt solar module

For  630 watt Solar Panel; 5 units of 140 watt solar module

Types of Solar Panels

Polycrystalline: Are cheaper to produce, but are not as efficient as mono. Panels are usually larger for the same watt rating.

Monocrystalline: Are more expensive to produce but are more efficient than poly and can capture the more watts per square foot of solar cells.

Overcast Days: Some panels will still capture solar energy when there is a light overcast of cloud (bright white clouds) and they can sometimes work at up to 40% of the panel's rating. You may be interested in checking how your panel performs by using a multi-meter and testing the panel's output on an overcast day.


A solar controller can perform 6 main tasks

  • Prevents power from the battery traveling back up and getting lost through the solar panel at night
  • Prevents the panels from overcharging the battery by disconnecting them when the battery is full
  • Gives an indication on the battery bank's State Of Charge
  • Stops the batteries from being discharged too much by disconnecting your devices when the battery SOC gets too low.
  • Counts how much power you have generated and how much power your devices have used
  • Helps lower the amount of maintenance work required on your batteries by charging in certain ways
You will want to make sure you get a solar controller that will display the State of charge for your battery bank. This helps diagnose problems if your tower stops working and your customers need it fixed urgently. 


Sizing Solar Controllers

Your panels will have a maximum amp output current. If you have wired your panels in parallel, you will need to add together the maximum amp output current of each of them - you will want a controller that can handle at least this amount with plenty of capacity to spare. It may be wise to purchase a controller that handles double the current than what you need in case you wish to add more radios or panels in the future.

Also check if you have used gel or liquid flooded batteries and that the controller or regulator will work with your batteries. This is especially true if you use AGM or Gel batteries. The controller needs to be set to charge in a specific way so that it doesn't cause high gas pressure inside the sealed battery. Flooded batteries need ventilation because they are not completely sealed and gasses escape when charging.

The Load Output

One important feature of a solar controller is the load output. This is where you connect your devices. You must be careful with this feature though. Some controllers assume it will be to automatically control lighting and so switches the load output on in the evening and off during the day. Some controllers like the Steca brand pictured above-right, allow you to press a button to switch the load on or off, or use the menu to enable automatic functions such as turning it on x hours after darkness and off in the morning. The important thing is that it does allow the manual-only switching mode.

For our example;

We use 5 units of 140 watt solar panels with Ipm rating of 7.91A.
5 x 7.91A = 39.55A
We will use the Steca Tarom 4545; 12Vdc 45A as the controller which is sufficient for our example and with spare amperage.


For peak performance solar panels need to be installed at roughly the same angle as the latitude of your site, thus allowing to maximize the amount of sunlight falling on the solar panel.

In this case, you will mount your panel so its surface is perpendicular to the sun's rays during winter.

Fixed Tilt

If your solar panels will have a fixed tilt angle then you want to get the most energy over the whole year. A fixed angle is convenient, but note that there are some disadvantages. A fixed angle will get less power than if you adjusted the angle. Also, if you live where there is snow, adjusting the panels to a steeper angle in winter makes it more likely that they will shed snow. A panel covered in snow produces little or no power.

Use one of these formulas to find the best angle from the horizontal at which the panel should be tilted:

If your latitude is below 25°, use the latitude times 0.87.
If your latitude is between 25° and 50°, use the latitude, times 0.76, plus 3.1 degrees.
If the latitude is above 50 degrees, then the full year angle will be 41.1, while the average insolation on the panel will be 5.1 times.

This table gives some examples for different latitudes. It also shows the average insolation on the panel over the year (in kWh/m2 per day), and the energy received compared to the best possible tracker.

The latitude of Manila is 14.5833° thus the optimum full year tilt angle 
14.5833 x 0.87 = 12.7° 
More Solar Panel angle installation on


Size of wires for connections

We can refer to the specification requirement of the charge controller.

  • From panel to controller, the specification is 4-AWG Stranded Wire or 2-AWG Single Wire.
  • The same size of wire as above for battery bank to controller 
  • For the load, 14-AWG a normal lighting gauge specification in electrical codes.


So what do you do when you find its been raining for too long and your battery bank has gone flat. Ideally you should have

  • A portable generator of around 300 watt with 12v DC and mains AC outputs - make sure the amp output of the 12v is less than your solar controllers limitation.
  • A few backup batteries or pairs of batteries to swap into to your bank to run system for 2 days.

The first step would be to check the solar controller. Some with lcd screens will show an error code to help you diagnose the problem. If its just been raining too long then you will need to add another solar panel and expand the size of your battery bank to prevent it from happening again.

You can disconnect your solar panels, and connect the solar panel input of your solar controller to the 12v output of the generator and safely charge the battery bank and run your system again. For faster charging, you would disconnect the batteries from the solar controller and directly connect them to the 12v output of the generator.

Another way is to take out some fully charged batteries from your workshop and connect them in parallel to your battery bank - this will flow on to power your devices and slightly charge some of your batteries.


By Ed Donner

In ancient times, Romans and Turks used natural hot springs from beneath the ground to create steam rooms. Roman and Turkish steam baths served important community and social functions, but were also intended to induce sweating and improve health. Today, steam rooms can be found at recreational facilities and spas. The health benefits recognized thousands of years ago still apply, as long as you use the steam room in a safe and healthy way.

Steam rooms provide moist heat, generated from steam pumped into an enclosed room. Typically, the temperature ranges from 110 to 114 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity is 100 percent. Many resorts now offer steam showers in guests' rooms. Steam showers are enclosed showers equipped with steam vents that allow the shower to function as a steam room.

The notion behind the use of steam rooms is that sweating is good for you. Sweating opens your pores, removes salts from your system and helps to cleanse the outer skin. Steam rooms help you relax. When you sit in the hot, steamy room, your blood vessels dilate, and your pulse and blood pressure both go down. There is no reliable scientific evidence to suggest that steam rooms assist with weight loss.

Before You Steam
If you are using a public steam room, shower before and after each steam bath. If you worked out before your steam bath, take at least a 5- to 10-minute cooldown before heading into the steam room. Drink plenty of water so you are well hydrated before exposing yourself to the heat of the steam room. Don't drink alcohol before using a steam bath, as it causes dilation of your blood vessels, an effect that is already created by the steam bath. Those who are vulnerable may experience too much of a drop in blood pressure.

Steam Rounds
A sauna should best be enjoyed in rounds, so you don’t want to just go in the sauna once. You will not get as much benefit from a single sauna session as you will from multiple rounds.

Steam Time
How long you stay in the steam room is something of a personal matter. Listen to your body. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you should leave the steam room immediately. The very first time, you should limit your time to a few minutes. Leave the steam room, cool down and monitor how you feel. You can take a cool shower afterward, but do not expose yourself to extreme changes in temperature. If you feel OK, then head back in if you wish for another 5 to 10 minutes. Do not exceed 20 to 30 minutes per round. Take breaks any time you feel like it.

After the Steam
Towel yourself off, put on a robe so you don't get chilled and relax for 5 to 10 minutes to allow your body to return to normal temperature. Shower before dressing.

A person in good health can take steam baths as many as three times a week for 20 minutes at a round for up to 3 rounds

If you have concerns or if you have health problems, including heart disease, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory problems, circulatory problems, epilepsy, seizures or if you are pregnant, consult your doctor before using a steam room.


Psychological Manipulation