Solution Oriented Mind

Problem Oriented vs Solution Oriented - By Steve Mueller

Every person approaches a problem in a different way. Some focus on the problem or the reason why a problem emerged (problem focused thinking). Others prefer to think about possible solutions that help them to solve a problem (solution focused thinking).

Approaching a difficult situation problem oriented might be helpful if we attempt to avoid similar problems or mistakes in the future, but when it comes to solving the problem we simply waste large amounts of our precious time! Problem focused thinking does not help us at all to solve difficult situations, which is especially necessary in times where one must find quick solutions to an upcoming problem. Furthermore the problem focused approach can have negative effects on ones motivation.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” - Suzy Kassem

We start to think solution oriented once we are aware that we cannot change certain facts/problems and will only spend our time in an inefficient way when we seek for the possible reasons for these situations. By clarifying the reasons why a problem need to be solved and the tasked required is important then we can focus on solutions in attaining goals we desire.

5 Traits of a Solution Oriented Person - By Wendy Nicole

  1. Have the ability to look at the situation for what it is. Don’t get emotionally involved. Evaluate the facts and only focus on the possibility of what could be the future.
  2. Systematic and strategic. After assessing the situation, they look for ways to bring their idea to life. What happened or what was is no longer a factor. Their intention is to move from point A to point B. They are intentional and they are relentless in their pursuit to change their reality.
  3. Doesn't feed the fear and doesn't bow down to excuses….the shoulda, couldas,and if’s have no place in their efforts to move forward. They have the ability to ask themselves the hard questions. They don’t run from the ugly truth. They are willing to face it so that they don’t make the same mistake again. They don’t get stuck in the “I don’t know zone” because they are willing to explore their options. They are able to stay calm in the midst of chaos. They have an idea of what the end result looks like. They make decisions that are in alignment with their purpose. They don’t make blind decisions. Consideration, research, and soul searching is required to help them become effective decision makers.
  4. Hands down are a “Get it Done Person” regardless of adversity, limited or no resources. When faced with a No or unsatisfactory situation they are determined to make things pan out in their favor because their WHY has been defined and they have a clear picture of their desired future self.
  5. Solution Oriented people excel in the midst of madness. They are able to see clear through the bullshit and zero in on what matters the most, their goals, their happiness, and personal welfare.