Medicinal Herbal Foods


 This spice which is considered to perform detoxification to the organism and stimulate brain function, has antiseptic properties that have proved like most effective for urinary tract infections. Also contains components that have calming properties and are also useful for reducing pain. Besides that through his beautiful taste its improving your mood, cinnamon also protects the blood vessels and contributes to improve circulation. It is considered that cinnamon affects on the regulation of glucose level in blood, because of that the traditional medicine recommends cinnamon as a food supplement for people with diabetes.


Rosemary is known for various things,it can increase memory and thinking ability. Her components have anti-inflammatory effects. It is a popular herb in aromatherapy. With his antioxidant effect the rosemary protects DNA from mutations and prevent cardiovascular diseases.


Garlic is one of the most used plants as medicine in traditional medicine. Because of his anti-bacterial effect the Garlic is used like weapon which prevents the occurrence of infections. Garlic has an anti-fungal effect and is also used to treat fungal infections. Eating garlic can reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides by 10 %. Also it is used for reducing high blood pressure. Some studies shows a possibility for an anti-cancerogenic effect. In conclusion, the components of garlic promises much, but they certainly require further researches. 


The oregano has the highest level of antioxidant activity, compared with the other fresh herbs used in the kitchen. The oregano has four times more antioxidants eg. from the blueberries. Contains two antibacterial agents that fight against infections. Oregano can help with fungal infections and problems with the digestive tract. Many studies of this spice have been focused on antimicrobial properties that are helping in the fight against the growth of bacterias and parasites.

Chili Pepper

Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and is thought that can reduce the risk of some cancers. In traditional medicine is used for reduce pain and in struggle against cancer. The chili peppers are full with vitamin C, they help with reducing the high blood pressure and are also helping in dealing with migraines and headaches caused by sinusitis.


Parsley is rich with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and C. Reduces inflammation and have antioxidants effect that clean free radicals. Really effective as a breath freshener. His extracts are used for treating kidney and adrenal diseases.


Studies have shown that ginger can act anti-inflammatory, like aspirin and ibuprofen.It can reduce a pain that originates from a variety of reasons, from the muscles pain to different types of headaches.


Mint slows the proliferation of many types of bacteria and fungi. It can help with relieving the symptoms of various allergies and asthma. Those who often suffer from nausea or other stomach disorders can choose between tea from mint and mint coated capsules made from fresh mint leaves. The oil of mint helps to relieve headaches.


The yellow pigment in curry called kurkumin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and anti-cancer effects. With his active component, curry protects our brain and fight against Alzheimer's disease.


Beside the good smell and the look which reminds of mint, basil has antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory and cardio-protective effects. Basil contains iron, calcium, vitamin C and is rich with vitamin A. This vitamin is known antioxidant, and as we know the antioxidants neutralize free radicals.
