Tao Deer Exercise

Sexual energy, and reinvigorating it, means regaining the vitality of youth, and giving a holistic benefit to your entire system. The following Chinese Taoist exercise, done daily, will reap great benefits. It will reinvigorate your sexual energy, stimulate sperm production, exercise the prostate (and promote good prostate health), and reignite your libido.

Male Deer Exercise

Find a comfortable place to sit (naked) cross legged. Your bed is acceptable if not too soft, or the floor upon an exercise mat perhaps. After a shower or bath is the best time.

Sitting cross-legged, cup your testicles with one hand (do not squeeze, but cup the testicles in a supportive way) and with the other hand placed flat just under, and to the right of the navel, massage your abdomen in a circular motion 81 times. Now do it again to the left of the navel another 81 times.

You have stimulated the meridians connected with your sexual (vital) energy. You will feel a warm and comforting feeling ascending and descending your spinal column.

Anus and Prostate Exercise

After your Deer Exercise, continue to sit comfortably cross-legged, and if you wish, support yourself by your arms as well. When relaxed, squeeze your anus in a three-motion rhythm motion. Squeeze it softly at first, harder the second time and the third time, as strong as you can squeeze. Hold the strong squeeze of a count of 9 (if you can). Then relax.

Repeat this exercise for 9 sets.

What have you achieved by the Exercise of the Deer and Anus/Prostate Contractions?

You have begun to recharge your sexual batteries the natural way; you have stimulated sperm production and natural hormone section, and generally, raised the libido level naturally. You cannot see the benefits at once, but after about 10 days you will notice an improvement in sexual vigor and a regained youthfulness.

The above, combined with a good common sense diet (which includes eating natural foods such as honey, nuts, and fruits) will also find you increased sexual energy, health and well-being